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Sample Accommodation Listing
Old Adaminaby
Rainbow Pines Tourist Park
2 Denison St, Old Adaminaby NSW 2629
Phone: (02) 6454 2317
Facebook: rainbowpinestouristpark
Rainbow Pines Tourist Caravan Park site on the shores of beautiful Lake Eucumbene only 40 minutes to Selwyn Snowfields with the breathtaking Snowy Mountains as its backdrop.
You can relax on the veranda of our deluxe cabin or sit under a tree in our camping sites and feed the wild birds or catch a glimpse of a wallaby or echidna.
The Onsite shop is stocked with basics such as bread, milk, bacon, butter, etc and a lot more to make a meal. The shop also has a large collection of fishing tackle and bait ranging from hooks up to complete trout combo's from Abu Garcia. We also sell and service STORMRIDER and STORMY inflatable life jackets.